martes, 25 de mayo de 2010


Ladies and Gentleman, the Bronx is burning.
Howard Cosell

Our walking tour of The Bronx started at the new Yankees stadium. While some of the kids on the tour were in the gift shop we stood outside and chatted to the builder that was in charge of pulling down the old stadium right in front, and he assured us that just before they started pulling it down he had gone into the changing rooms and seen the ghost of Joe di Maggio in there...

Also, we saw these two girls (clearly from the bronx) get mugged right in front of the stadium, the police tried to chase the guy that mugged them but they couldn't because the police man was too fat to run, that's America for you.

Just as we were walking past the court house in the bronx there was a load of New York Correctional vans that drove up with prisoners in them, I took my camera out and took this picture and the driver started honking the horn at me, "Young miss, no pictures allowed" Oops!

Our guide Ed in front of a 19th century house that was built by immigrants that originally lived on the lower east side of Manhattan, who when the subway was built started moving to The Bronx as a way of avoiding cramped housing and poor living conditions.

A surviving farmhouse also from the 19th Century. The Bronx at that time was farmland and was full of little barns like this.

Ain't no American flags here!

Grafiti in the bronx

Interesting policy the Bronx police have on guns here...

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